with Mingyur Rinpoche
9/2-5 | Path of Liberation level 1 (Registration opens on Aug 20) |
9/10 | The Vajrayana Samaya (Open to all, no need for registration) |
9/17 |
Beyond Mindfulness: The Essence of Meditation (Public talk ; Open to all, no need for registration) Sept 17, 2022 7.00pm-9.00pm (Hong Kong time) Zoom webinar is expected to open at 18:45 pm. Number of the attendees is limited, so please enter the webinar room as early as possible. The room will be closed when it reaches the full amount. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86470710653?pwd=clpESkl6eHhNTnlwaVd0VmhSbjE2dz09 ID : 864 7071 0653 Passcode :415921 |
9/23-25 | Joy of Living level 3 (Registration opens on Sept 10) |
9/30,10/1-2, 7-9,15-16 | Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra (Open to all, no need for registration) |
10/25-28 | Path of Liberation level 5 (Registration opens on Oct 15) |
11/4-6 | Joy of Living level 1 (Registration opens on Oct 22) |
12/2-5 | The Aspiration of the Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning Retreat(Registration opens on Nov19) |
12/10-11 | Joy of Living level 2 (Registration opens on Nov26) |
2022 TERGAR ASIA ANNUAL RETREAT In Person Events (Thailand)
10/21-24 | Path of Liberation level 1-2 (Registration opens on Aug 13) |
10/25-28 | Path of Liberation level 5 (Registration opens on Aug 13) |
Joy of Living Online Retreat
Level 3: Awakening Wisdom
Sept 23-25
This retreat is open only to those who have attended and completed the practice requirements for the first two levels of the Joy of Living programme.
Level 1: Calming the Mind
Nov 4-6
This retreat is a very useful meditation course, which is open to all.
Level 2: Opening the Heart
Dec 10-11
This retreat is open only to those who have attended and completed the practice requirements for Joy of Living Level 1.
Real-time translation in multiple languages.
Dharma Course
The Vajrayana Samaya
Sept 10, 2022 7.30pm-9.30pm (Hong Kong time)
Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra
Sept 30, Oct 1-2, 7-9, 15-16
These courses are open to all.
Real-time translation in multiple languages.
No registration needed for this course. The link to the Zoom webinar will be publicised at a later date.
Path of Liberation Online Retreat
Path of Liberation Level 1
Sept 2-5
Requirements for participation:
- Option 1: To have attended all three Joy of Living levels — Calming the Mind (Level 1), Opening the Heart (Level 2), and Awakening Wisdom (Level 3) — and completed the associated practice requirements.
- Option 2: To have completed the full preliminary practices of any Buddhism lineages (the 4 x 100,000 ngondro).
- Option 3: To have had a daily meditation practice for at least five years and attended either group or solitary practice retreats for a total of at least thirty days, with 6+ hours of formal meditation practice per day, under the guidance of a Buddhist teacher.
Path of Liberation Level 5
Oct 25-28
The online retreat is open only to those who have received the White Tara Empowerment, and must have already attended and completed the practice requirements for Path of Liberation Levels 1,2,3 and 4.
Real-time translation in multiple languages.
The Aspiration of the Mahamudra of Definitive Meaning Retreat
Dec 2-5
**Eligibility update!**
This retreat is open to all, but some of the sessions (see retreat time table) are open only to those who have received Tergar’s Path of Liberation Level 2 teachings.
Real-time translation in multiple languages.