Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶

The Vision of Tergar Asia is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world. 亞洲德噶的願景是將古老的禪修練習介紹給予現今世界。 What does Tergar Asia focus on? Established in 2010, Tergar Asia Foundation is the official Non-profit organization for Mingyur Rinpoche in Asia and focus on - Popularize meditation - Benefits all beings with Dharma - Preserve lineage - Actualize teachings 亞洲德噶專注於? 成立於 2010年,是 「詠給明就仁波切」 將古老的禪修練習介紹給現今社會的正式亞洲區非營利組織。亞洲德噶致力 - 普及禪修 - 以法利眾 - 守護傳承 - 實踐教導 Tergar Limited is a registered charitable institution, also known as Tergar Asia Foundation, Tergar Institute, Tergar Meditation Centre H.K., Tergar Patron Foundation. 德噶有限公司是一間註册慈善機構,也稱為亞洲德噶基金會、德噶學院、德噶香港禪修中心、德噶護關基金。
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶January 6
Tergar Asia Public Statement in Facebook Fake Account in PDF
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶January 6
亞洲德噶有關Facebook 假冒賬戶的公告聲明
PDF https://cloud.tergarasia.org/s/jNobjoaKBMjDR6j
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶January 1
New Year Message 2025

In this New Year message, Mingyur Rinpoche wishes everyone health, happiness, and the discovery of our innate basic goodness. While the beginning of a new year is wonderful to celebrate, Rinpoche also invites us to reflect on two pressing issues: climate change and polarization. Each one of us has the capacity to do something to help the world, no matter how seemingly inconsequential. Rinpoche shares his personal experience doing what he can and encourages us to cultivate awareness, compassion, and wisdom throughout our lives. Tashi delek!

Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶January 1
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶December 23
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