
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶July 16
💥REGISTER NOW! - Tibetan Language Course For Meditators

【Online【 Program with Joseph Faria
September 2 - December 11, 2024

Join us this fall for the 【Tibetan Language Course for Meditators!】

Tergar Institute is pleased to announce the second offering of Tibetan Language courses, inspired by Mingyur Rinpoche's vision. Led by Joseph Faria, a teacher and translator at Tergar Osel Ling Monastery, this 23-session online course covers everything from the Tibetan alphabet to grammar essentials and reading foundational texts like the Refuge and Bodhicitta prayer.

No prerequisites needed—just bring your curiosity and dedication to fully engage in this enriching program! We'll help you get familiar with the Tibetan alphabet before classes begin.

*Spaces are limited* to 20 participants. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Click the LINK below to find out more and REGISTER by August 2, 2024!
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶June 30
Dear friends,
Tergar Asia’s various online platforms including TA Learning ( have been experiencing some difficulties. We are working to resolve the problems as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. For those who rely on the site to review the various teaching recordings, we will extend the period for review once the site functions are resumed. Thank you.

Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶June 15
The Union of Development and Completion Stage Practices
Aug 25-28, 2024

Registration for in-person attendance in Tergar Osel Ling Monastery in Kathmandu is now open!

In the Vajrayana practices of Tibetan Buddhism, there are two unique practices that should not be missed: deity practice, and the path of liberation practice of nature of mind.

In this retreat, Mingyur Rinpoche will combine the two by teaching both deity visualisation and the path of liberation practice, guiding experienced practitioners to practice the union of the development and completion stage practices.

He will also give teachings on the subtle body. From an understanding of the three layers of body, we will learn how the subtle body works and the connection between mind and body.

You can attend in person at Tergar Osel Ling Monastery or online.

Course Prerequisites: Participants must have received Tergar’s Path of Liberation Level 2 teachings.

More information:
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶June 15
生圓雙運: 「生起次第」與「圓滿次第」雙運修持







Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶May 29

Question: “During the teaching on the 12 links of dependent origination, you mentioned that when triggered by imprints, karma is created as "feeling" progresses to "craving". You also mentioned that imprints are created at "becoming". Can you kindly explain the difference between both occasions and how they relate to each other? Is karma or imprint the cause of the spinning of the samsaric cycle, or both?”

▌Is karma and karmic imprint the cause of samsara?

Rinpoche’s answer: That’s why we call it a circle. Did the chicken come first or the egg? There’s no one answer – it’s like a circle. That’s why we call samsara a circle; it goes round and round.

In the 12 links of dependent origination, there are two karmic imprints. First there’s “ignorance” and “volition”; volition is the karmic imprint. Ignorance and volition are the cause. Based on these two, we have the eight processes in this life. Within these eight, the last one – “becoming” – is also a karmic imprint. This karmic imprint is a new one that’s based on the old karmic imprint. Then we are born again, and we die again. The last two – “birth” and “death” – are the result.

▌The four steps that turn stealing an apple into a karmic imprint

How do we understand this process? For example, to have the karma of stealing an apple, we need four things.

First, the intention of “I want to steal this apple”.

Then you have to create what we call the action. You look around, “Oh, nobody is here, I am going to steal an apple”. This is action.

Third, there is the object of an apple. If you look around and see no apple, you cannot create the karma of stealing an apple.

Fourth, you take the apple you see and put it in your pocket, and then you come out and think, “OK, I got it”. That moment is what we call “completion”.

The moment you know “I stole it, I got the apple”, the imprint of stealing the apple goes into the subconsciousness. That is a tiny seed.

▌The 12 nidanas of samsaric cycle, beginning with “ignorance”

First there is “ignorance”, because you did not recognise that stealing is not good. In the end, it’s no good for you, no good for everybody. So there is ignorance.

Then you steal, and that becomes the imprint. That’s the “volition”.

Then the imprint becomes a tiny seed in the stream of consciousness. Number three is “consciousness”.

Next is “name and matter”. The seed grows bigger and bigger into the mind and body – that’s number four. “Mind” refers to the subconsciousness, and “body” refers to the subtle body.

Number five, it comes into the “six senses”, such as the ear, nose, tongue, the whole body.

Number six is “contact”, when the senses come into contact with an object.

Number seven is “feelings”. That’s when the unpleasant sensations come. So from the karmic imprint of stealing comes suffering. That’s the karmic result – suffering.

Then number eight, “craving” arises from the suffering.

Then there’s “grasping”.

At number 10, we create new karma, what we call “becoming”.

Then you will be born again, that’s number 11 – “birth”.

And you get old and die, that’s number 12 – “old age and death”.

So samsara goes round and round and round like that.

-- An excerpt from Day 4 of Mingyur Rinpoche’s teaching on The Meditation Practice of Heart Sutra, May 28, 2024. Organised by Tergar Asia.
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶
Tergar Malaysia 马来西亚德噶May 29

有學生問:仁波切,在您教導「十二緣起」的時候,提到當印記觸發時,業力由於「受」產生發展到「取」;而另一方面,您也提到「印記」是在「生」時產生的,能不能解釋一下這兩者的區別,以及它們之間的關係? 「業力」或是「印記」是輪迴流轉的原因嗎?或者這兩者都是輪迴流轉的因?






[一,動機:] 首先,你心中想要去偷,生起了的意願,有去偷的想法。

[二,行動:] 你就要採取行動,看看四下無人啊,你就去準備去偷。這就是行動。

[三,對境:] 第三,就是有蘋果出現,有蘋果這樣的對境條件讓你偷。

[四,完成:] 第四,你偷到了,你把它放進包包、放進自己的兜裡就走掉了,你知道「我偷成功了」,就在你想到「我偷蘋果得逞了」,就叫「完成」。









當你接觸到,就會生起感受,這就是「受」。 這時,生起了不樂受。偷東西的業印產生了痛苦,而痛苦就是業果。












Program Overview

Program Overview   The Tergar Meditation Community offers a wealth of opportunities to learn...

