The exclusive and only retreat led by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche in Asia this year — Tergar Asia Annual Retreat, will be held from September 9 to 16, 2018. The venue will be at Regent Cha Am Beach Resort, Cha Am, Hua Shin, Thailand (same as last year ).
Contents and Requirements:
1. Path of Liberation Level 1 & 2 ─ completion of Joy of Living level 1-3 workshops and all the homework, or attendee of Mahamudra or other pointing out instruction courses by Mingyur Rinpoche.
2. Path of Liberation Level 3 & 4 ─ completion of Path of Liberation level 1-2 workshop or retreat and all the homework.
Registration will commence on May 26, 2018. Seats are limited; please keep track of further information we will be sending out in the next few weeks.