Cours de Dharma en ligne
Avec Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Comment pratiquer le Soutra du Coeur
Sept 2-5
The Heart Sutra is the most concise and the most profound of the Buddha’s teachings on emptiness.We copy the scriptures, study it, recite it. But have you practiced it and internalized it?
The Heart Sutra is the essence of Prajnaparamita, containing the pith instructions on the meditation of emptiness. Every sentence is vivid wisdom that liberates the mind. It would be a pity if we don’t practice it!
Mingyur Rinpoche will go through the key points of the sutra over four sessions and provide practical guidance on how to truly practice the Heart Sutra. It is great opportunity to internalize Heart Sutra, please cherish it.
L’essence du Soutra du Diamant
Oct 1-3, 9-10
Since ancient times, the sutra that we have responded to most deeply, the one that has immeasurable power, the one that we have the most confidence in, is the Diamond Sutra.
Because emptiness is the best protection, legend has it that when the Diamond Sutra resides in a place, the celestial dharma protector dragons will respectfully circle the place as a natural expression of auspicious enchantment. The benefits of the Diamond Sutra include its ability to attract external, internal, and secret auspiciousness. Most importantly, it enables you to realize emptiness.
When the Sixth Patriarch of Zen in China, the Great Master Hui-neng, heard the line, “They should develop a mind that does not abide in anything,” he awakened. We too have the same opportunity, but we need to connect with the sutra, so it truly enters our heart. “Vajra” means diamond. Emptiness, like a diamond, can destroy the most stubborn grasping to what we believe to be truly existing. This year, Mingyur Rinpoche will guide us in the practice of The Diamond Sutra over the course of five sessions.
Let the gentle yet powerful “emptiness diamond” destroy our shell of ignorance so that our true nature can be revealed.
Horaire des cours
Comment pratiquer le Soutra du Coeur
Tous les jours de 20h00 à 21h30 (heure de Pékin/Hong Kong/Taiwan).
L’essence du Soutra du Diamant
Tous les jours de 19h15 à 21h (heure de Pékin/Hong Kong/Taiwan)
Les deux cours sont gratuits. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers ceux qui ont rendu cela possible.
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Mingyur Rinpoche enseignera en Anglais, avec une traduction en Chinois Mandarin, en Cantonnais, Japonais, Koréen, Indonésien, Thai , Vietnamienne, Russe, Francais et Italien.
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche possesses a rare ability to present the ancient wisdom of Tibet in a fresh, engaging manner. His profound yet accessible teachings and playful sense of humor have endeared him to students around the world. Most uniquely, Rinpoche’s teachings weave together his own personal experiences with modern scientific research, relating both to the practice of meditation.
Born in 1975 in the Himalayan border regions between Tibet and Nepal, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a rising star among the new generation of Tibetan Buddhist masters. From a young age, Rinpoche was drawn to a life of contemplation. He spent many years of his childhood in strict retreat. At the age of seventeen, he was invited to be a teacher at his monastery’s three-year retreat center, a position rarely held by such a young lama. He also completed the traditional Buddhist training in philosophy and psychology, before founding a monastic college at his home monastery in north India.
In addition to extensive training in the meditative and philosophical traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, Mingyur Rinpoche has also had a lifelong interest in Western science and psychology. At an early age, he began a series of informal discussions with the famed neuroscientist Francisco Varela, who came to Nepal to learn meditation from his father, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche.
Many years later, in 2002, Mingyur Rinpoche and a handful of other long-term meditators were invited to the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior at the University of Wisconsin, where Richard Davidson, Antoine Lutz, and other scientists examined the effects of meditation on the brains of advanced meditators. The results of this groundbreaking research were reported in many of the world’s most widely read publications, including National Geographic and Time.
Currently, Mingyur Rinpoche teaches throughout the world, with centers on four continents. His candid, often humorous accounts of his own personal difficulties have endeared him to thousands of students around the world. His best-selling book, The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness, debuted on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into over twenty languages. Rinpoche’s most recent book is In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying, a rare and intimate account of his near-death experience and the life-changing wisdom he gained from it.