Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶

The Vision of Tergar Asia is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world. 亞洲德噶的願景是將古老的禪修練習介紹給予現今世界。 What does Tergar Asia focus on? Established in 2010, Tergar Asia Foundation is the official Non-profit organization for Mingyur Rinpoche in Asia and focus on - Popularize meditation - Benefits all beings with Dharma - Preserve lineage - Actualize teachings 亞洲德噶專注於? 成立於 2010年,是 「詠給明就仁波切」 將古老的禪修練習介紹給現今社會的正式亞洲區非營利組織。亞洲德噶致力 - 普及禪修 - 以法利眾 - 守護傳承 - 實踐教導 Tergar Limited is a registered charitable institution, also known as Tergar Asia Foundation, Tergar Institute, Tergar Meditation Centre H.K., Tergar Patron Foundation. 德噶有限公司是一間註册慈善機構,也稱為亞洲德噶基金會、德噶學院、德噶香港禪修中心、德噶護關基金。
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶6 9 月
Drubchen at Tergar Oselling Monastery, Nepal
Presided by H.E. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Dates: September 13-21, 2024

Brief Introduction:
The monastics of Tergar Oselling in Nepal will be practising the profound terma revealed by the great tertön Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa through the chanting of the following puja, day and night . The Mantrayana Sojong Ritual “Playful Ocean of Nectar”, practiced together with the Drupchen of the great mandala-clusters.
The puja will be presided by the Venerable Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. All sangha members of Tergar Osel Ling Monastery in Nepal will participate. During the puja, Rinpoche's and Khenpo's teaching sessions are offered in person only.

You are more than welcome to participate in the puja via the live broadcast on Tergar Oselling Facebook or on Zoom live streaming via the link below:

Facebook Broadcast: https://www.facebook.com/Tergaroseling/

Zoom Broadcast: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82261907621?pwd=nblPROXbFEw0stOfEzGQxIDF769nQe.1

Donation link: https://support.tergarasia.org/2024-drubchen-puja/

Donations collected will be used to pay for the expenses of the puja and support the running operational costs of the Tergar monasteries under Mingyur Rinpoche’s care.
The registration deadline for donations is September 20, 2024
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶6 9 月

法會簡介 :
尼泊爾光明寺僧眾,將於法會期間日夜不間斷修持由大伏藏師秋吉德欽林巴所取殊勝甚深伏藏, 此伏藏是明就仁波切家族血脈傳承 , 並將與資糧供堆(曼達)大成就法會一起修持。能淨化負面惡業以及累積資糧。

由尊貴的詠給·明就仁波切主法,尼泊爾光明寺全體僧眾參予。 法會期間, 仁波切及堪布教學只限實體參加,沒有直播。


Facebook直播: https://www.facebook.com/Tergaroseling/

Zoom直播: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82261907621?pwd=nblPROXbFEw0stOfEzGQxIDF769nQe.1

護持法會捐款鏈接: https://support.tergarasia.org/2024-drubchen-puja/

功德登記載止日: 2024年9月20日午夜12時
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶4 9 月
The Profound Practice of Maha Sukhavati
Teacher: Mingyur Rinpoche
Chinese Interpretation: Tzunma Rangrik
Date: Sept.1, 2024
Day 4 Teaching

Today, Rinpoche continued to give oral transmission of The Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra.
Conditions of Amitabha Pure Land are given in detail. Apparently, there are many universes in different directions, and there are buddhas also giving teaching about Amitabha Pure Land at the same time. Whoever hears Amitabha’s name or heard about his story, with one moment of inspiration in arousing bodhicitta – the seed to be reborn in Amitabha Pure Land is already planted.

Rinpoche reiterated on the four causes to be reborn in Amitabha Pure Land: Bodhicitta, focus on Amitabha and Amitabha Pure Land (Refuge), accumulation of two virtues: merits and wisdom, and dedication to be reborn in the Pure Land.

Sentient beings in Amitabha Pure Land do not die, they have one life and then Buddhahood. Exceptions are those who aspire to be born in another realm with an aim to help sentient beings of those realms. Beings in the Pure Land are born in big lotuses on lakes. When being reborn in the Pure Land, some beings suddenly have doubts, and the lotus will remain unopened. At this point, Rinpoche gives us one reminder. In the bardo of becoming and having confirmed that one is dead, it is crucial that we remember Amitabha Pure Land. There is no need to have the address, just a wish will take us there! Speed of the mind is instant. In no time you are in one of those lotuses that you feel connected to you. Your body will be immediately transformed. When you have no doubt, the lotus will open and you are there! You can receive Dharma teaching from Amitabha there and then.

The most important quality of Amitabha Pure Land is that it is non-discriminative: anyone can go - as long as you have the wish. Exceptions are those who bear the five extreme bad karmas or those who have given up the Dharma.

Reading The Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra is also a good way to accumulate merits. It is also beneficial to read the Sutra to deceased people. This takes us to the end of the last day of teaching.
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶4 9 月


1、 生起菩提心
2、 聚焦于淨土及阿彌陀佛(亦即皈依)
3、 積累福德和智慧二資糧
4、 迴向往生淨土

Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶4 9 月

Dear friends, please note that the dates for the Joy of Living Level 3 online teaching by Mingyur Rinpoche have changed. The event will be held from Nov 16-18, 2024. Please watch this space for details. Thank you.