Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶

The Vision of Tergar Asia is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world. 亞洲德噶的願景是將古老的禪修練習介紹給予現今世界。 What does Tergar Asia focus on? Established in 2010, Tergar Asia Foundation is the official Non-profit organization for Mingyur Rinpoche in Asia and focus on - Popularize meditation - Benefits all beings with Dharma - Preserve lineage - Actualize teachings 亞洲德噶專注於? 成立於 2010年,是 「詠給明就仁波切」 將古老的禪修練習介紹給現今社會的正式亞洲區非營利組織。亞洲德噶致力 - 普及禪修 - 以法利眾 - 守護傳承 - 實踐教導 Tergar Limited is a registered charitable institution, also known as Tergar Asia Foundation, Tergar Institute, Tergar Meditation Centre H.K., Tergar Patron Foundation. 德噶有限公司是一間註册慈善機構,也稱為亞洲德噶基金會、德噶學院、德噶香港禪修中心、德噶護關基金。
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶21 10 月
Joy of Living Level 3 Online Course
with Mingyur Rinpoche

The theme of Joy of Living Level 3 is "Awakening Wisdom". Here we learn how rigid beliefs keep us locked in a cycle of dissatisfaction and anxiety, and how relating to things as they actually are, rather than through the distorting lens of preconceived ideas and emotional reactions, can help us discover the basic purity and goodness of our true nature. In this course, Rinpoche will guide us through the three aspects of view, meditation and application - using simple language and easy-to-understand metaphors to foster understanding of profound insights, experience them through the practice of resting and analytical meditation and apply them in dialy life. The practice of JOL3 can help us discover the sense of ease and joy that comes from being free from distorted beliefs. At the same time, it marks the completion of the JOL path that is an important bridge to entering the Path of Liberation to further explore the nature of reality and our mind. Tzunma Miao Rong will also assist Rinpoche to teach in this course.

Course dates: November 16 - 18, 2024

About the registration prerequisites and course details: https://www.tergarasia.org/asia-events/2024-jol3-online-course/
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶21 10 月

「開心禪」3階的主題是「喚醒智慧」。在這課程中,我們將學到,僵化的信念如何使我們困在不滿與焦慮的循環中。然而,當我們以事物原來的樣貌與它們互動,而不是通過預設的觀念與情感反應的扭曲視角時,我們便能發現自己真實本性的純淨與善良。 在教學中,仁波切將從「見、修、行」三個面向進行教導——運用簡單易懂的譬喻,深入淺出地講解甚深的見地,帶領我們通過安住修和觀察修來體驗它們,並指導如何在日常生活中運用和踐行。 通過「開心禪」3階的修習,會讓我們的人生更加的自在和喜樂,不被僵固的信念捆縛;同時,它也是探索實相,進入「解脫道」心性道路的重要橋梁。 妙融法師將輔助仁波切進行教學指導。

課程日期: 2024年11月16至18日

報名資格要求和課程詳情: https://www.tergarasia.org/asia-events-zh-tw/2024-jol3-online-course/?lang=zh-hant
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶10 10 月
Tergar Asia Public Statement
October 10, 2024

Dear friends,
We would like to clarify that all of Tergar Asia’s fundraising activities are conducted only through our official website: https://www.tergarasia.org/featured/tergar-asia-support-plan/

No third party has ever been authorised by Tergar Asia to raise funds on its behalf.

We are grateful for your generous support of Tergar Asia’s work over the years to help individuals and communities flourish and nurture their great qualities of innate awareness, love and compassion and wisdom.

We look forward to your continuing support.

Thank you.
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶10 10 月






Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶
Tergar Asia 亞洲德噶25 9 月
2025 Dorje Drolo Puja and Teaching with Mingyur Rinpoche

Dorje Drolo Puja and Teaching on “How to Practice the All-In-One Mandala” with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Tergar Osel Ling, Kathmandu
February 20-27, 2025
In-Person and Online

Dorje Drolo practice is a profound practice that contains “all five roots in one”.
It comprises:
The Root of Blessing – Guru Rinpoche or Padmasambhava
The Root of Accomplishment – Dorje Drolo
The Root of Enlightened Activity – Dakini Mandarava
The Root of Protection – Mahakala
The Root of Prosperity – Zambala.

The practice is a terma given by Padmasambhava and concealed by Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal. It was revealed by the first incarnation of Mingyur Rinpoche.

In conjunction with the puja, Rinpoche will also give teachings on “How to Practice All-In-One Mandala”. Over six sessions, he will provide practical guidance on the meditation techniques that support your practice.

This event is open for both in-person and online participation. All are welcome.

To know more: https://www.tergarasia.org/asia-events/2025ddpt/